Chris R.

He was born in Leeds.

Eh, they're ok. Bought their last album based on a song on the Larry Livermore comp. The vocals almost seem like they have been pro-tooled to have the maximum ben weasel/fat mike 'pop punk' sound.


yeah but those 'massage balls' he invented are pretty cool.

U bias N raciss

Well, I made it through A Talking Cat!?!?!?!!?!?! last weekend, this seems like the next logical step.

Dorf on Dorf, raw.


I second the John Christopher request. I read a ton of his stuff as a kid, and have recently started picking up copies of whatever I can get my hands on. Everything other than the Tripods stuff seems to be slipping out of print, which is a shame. The majority of his 'YA' stuff holds up really well, plus I've

After watching Prime Cut, I realized that young Sissy Spacek was pretty hot.

The snark is flowing heavily today.

Did he also direct Silver Bullet? Because that was a piece of shit.

There's a sweet homemade video for the song Holy Mtn on youtube using footage from this movie.

The toads were definitely real, as were the hundreds of dead rabbits in El Topo.

Where there's a whip…whooop-isshhhh….there's a way

Baby boomers selling you rumors of their history
Forcing youth away from the truth of what’s real today

The Scranton Paper Experiment

Let's just say it's 'prison lover' and go with that.

Passed out in a pool of somebody's vomit holding your still plugged in guitar?

TDawg was shot trying to escape. Now we'll gut shoot another prisoner at random as a warning to anyone who is thinking of being the next TDawg.