Captain Cool


That's how it is in Albuquerque if you don't watch Breaking Bad. Here, only social pariahs don't set aside time to watch Bryan Cranston commit heinous crimes weekly.

Yeah, the Battle of The Pelannor Fields felt a little too cheap. In the books it was this massive, brutal battle won mostly by the blood and sacrifice of the Rohirrim, not by Aragorn's magical A-Team.

The only darkly comic spy program on FX I want to hear about is Archer.

Replace X-Men First Class with Thor, and that's a pretty solid list.

Captain America was pretty entertaining, but my god, it was so bland.

Yeah, 13 Assassins was awesome. I suppose it could be argued that it was a little derivative, but still, it deserved to be on this list way more than the snore-fest that was Submarine.

I was not a fan of Juno, but I disagree when you say that she was defined by her tastes. Juno was a very well rounded, fleshed out portrayal of a scared young girl who hid behind retro music and sarcasm.

I like the soundtrack. But yes, the writers need to stop explaining everything to the audience.

I don't think anybody thinks that it is a coincidence when the lightest skinned slave is put in charge. There's just not much to say about it.

At first I thought that this show was going to be about Common and Bohannon hunting down racists and Union war criminals and just being bad asses in general. Boy, was I wrong.

I can't stand those two Irish brothers. The whole George and Lennie dynamic is just too blatantly awkward. I wish the Swede would hurry up and kill them already.

So apparently this game is equivalent to Uncharted 3, in terms of quality. Having played neither, I say this with no judgement.

There's no way the Academy will ever give Cronenberg an Oscar.

The same weirdly specific drink order named after your dead girlfriend. Apparently the vesper is so good that it is worth risking the entire mission just to have one.

Yes, I enjoy misery, suffering, and unbearable guilt, so I quite liked Never Let Me Go.

More like Hunger Games for those with taste.

So he was the original James Bond?

Fuck it, just let the Native Americans be full blown villains. The degree to which the white men screwed them over is pretty well known, I don't think anybody watching this show has any doubts about how shitty white people were to the natives. Implicit understanding is sometimes preferable.

It's pretty well known that AMC doesn't have any money left. Matthew Wiener took every last penny that he could milk out of them.