jackalope 66

Wow, what's up with the review's bitter comments like "Maybe she should apologize for not intervening."  I've listened to this album at least ten times, and "ladylike" does not seem an accurate description for the deliberate dissonance and chaos of most of the tunes, especially in "Ragtime" (not that a lady cannot be

What is "evil"?  Goliad reminds me of The Clockwork Orange and William Blake: "The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction."

What is "evil"?  Goliad reminds me of The Clockwork Orange and William Blake: "The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction."

OSHA is a scarecrow; I filed a formal complaint regarding asbestos at my work site, and all they did is call our facilities management to inform them of said complaint: no investigation at all.  I'm glad Frontline is doing these sorts of investigative journalism; otherwise, it's all just background noise.

OSHA is a scarecrow; I filed a formal complaint regarding asbestos at my work site, and all they did is call our facilities management to inform them of said complaint: no investigation at all.  I'm glad Frontline is doing these sorts of investigative journalism; otherwise, it's all just background noise.

I only have one question: what happened to Gunther's magic cat-baby?

Yes, yes! I vote for continued coverage! Mathematical! Slamacow!

Mathematical !