Three time loser but otherwise

We've already found microbial life at least a half-kilometer deep into the oceanic crust (no oxygen or sunlight), which is almost more alien than Europa, and there's speculation that it may comprise the largest ecosystem on Earth.

*looks at headline*

I kind of subscribe to the Native American theory myself.

Wow, this is all news to me - I didn't realize there was a Parks & Rec backlash. I think it's still great, and I still look forward to it more than any half-hour other than Archer. But I wouldn't mind it getting only one more season - season six is when The Office started going bad.

Patty Loveless wrote a song a few years later which handles this subject a bit more even-handedly - "You Don't Even Know Who I Am." It's set up similarly, with the wife abandoning the husband, but the perspective shifts to the husband in the second verse and suggests that the wife was as poor a spouse as he was.

Have you heard "He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood?

Because you like to read? As much as I love my G3 it's too small to read books or browse the internet for too long without getting frustrated. My 7" Kindle Fire is just right, and small enough that you can still hold it in one hand without it being awkward. And yes, having made the transition I now strongly prefer

Actually, they do, given that Samsung is the maker of the Jitterbug. It's a flip phone!

Probably because of The Church of Scientology.

You know, the Iranians come off pretty shitty if you want to really look at it honestly. Yes, the US overthrew a democratically-elected government and replaced it with a dictator, but it's not like the Iranians replaced it with a New York Times approved democracy, they replaced it with a theocracy, and the dumb

Great movie. The real guy is a goddamn hero. You have to have balls of titanium to blow the whistle on dirty cops. Especially after they try to murder you.

No one gives a shit about Eric Roberts!

"There are things in that piece that really make me think about relationships, findings like, 'Surprise is apparently more satisfying than stability,' and we are 'hard-wired to crave variety.'"

The Black Keys actually gave an interview to Billboard last year where Auerbach attacked the idea of selling out as an "archaic indie-rock ideal" and identified his heroes as hip-hop guys who take all the money they can get without shame. I don't know if Carney would agree but he would be a hypocrite not to.

I'm not sure if that's correct. While Utah is majority Mormon, Salt Lake City isn't. There's even a large gay community. It's in the suburbs and rural areas that the Mormon population is more heavily concentrated.

On that note, there are going to be a TON of Mormons by 2050. Assuming current reproduction and conversions rates, by 2100 they will be the dominant political force in the United States.

I once did a group project on the Chevron-Texaco merger in grad school, and we incorporated the gas fight scene into our presentation. It destroyed the room and the professor gave us an A.

Which episode of South Park is this?

Also, the evidence seems to suggest that anti-Catholic bias is not particularly prevalent in our society, and in fact many other religious groups, most notably Mormons and Evangelicals, are looked upon more negatively.

If that is the same study I'm thinking of, it has some serious problems, defining abuse too broadly and even include student-on-student incidents under the definition of "abuse".