Three time loser but otherwise

Can't get into this band.
I've tried. I have Hex Enduction Hour and This Nation's Saving Grace somewhere around, but I can only take so much tuneless barking.

Also, the guy who drew the original Muhammad cartoons now has been targeted twice by extremists, one of whom managed to break into his home with an axe, and now has to live in a house with security windows, surveillance camera and a panic room.

"Walt did it for his family"

Logorama is the most awesome thing that no one has ever seen.

Fuck off, traitor.


His character got called up for Army Reserve duty in San Diego.

Like a Rolling Stone
I'm not a big music theory guy, but is the chord progression in this song really similar or is it just me?

I think the story is less poignant, actually, if Deckard is a replicant. It works better if Deckard is an inhuman human hunting down machines on the cusp of discovering their own humanity.

The key moment with the end with the Little Sisters elevates it at least a half a letter grade. And it's set in Rapture, which automatically makes it much better than most other shooters. Still, I mostly agree with the points in the above review.

Friday Night Lights
How about Coach's daughter, with a Liars poster on her wall? I refuse to believe that a Liars poster could ever adorn the room of a girl so cute.

I'm about to blow your mind:

I wear glasses because I'm far-sighted, but mostly because it gives people something to look at to distract them from my epic brow. I look like a particularly terrifying Communist.

Wait a minute, this is a movie?
I thought Mel Gibson just let someone follow him around with a camera for a few days.

2 Fast 2 Furious is worth seeing for Cole Hauser's rat-based torture scene.

"The Fast & The Bi-Curious"

If it doesn't have a great finish…
…the entire ride will have been a giant waste of time.

The Atlanta show was amazing, maybe the best concert I've ever been to. I don't know why calling Nazi pasta "pastikas" is so funny, but it was.

Yeah, I actually totally sympathized with Ben for falling in love with her. Bill has absolutely no concept of how his lifestyle has affected his children.

I don't think you're misreading anything. I'm astonished by how badly The End of History is misread by almost everyone.