
Every day, I choose someone awful on Twitter and tell them, "Get fucked!" Yesterday, I refrained because Alyssa Milano did a better job of it than I ever could.

The real criminal here is Alex Jones. And also Edgar Welch.

Shit on Fear all you want, but they just spent an entire hour without a single white character, and with dialogue almost entirely in Spanish. Name one other US drama show that would take a risk like that.

Is Jubilee still a vampire? Did she ever get her powers back after losing them on M Day?

Great article. Thanks, Danette.

I honestly just clicked into this article because I hate "Youtubers" and want pretty much all of them to rot in prison.

Wasn't TV Club doing regular coverage of it last season?

How is he still so pretty? I'm five years his junior and I aged out of the "pretty" stage and into "ruggedly handsome, like your Dad" a decade ago.

I think the only thing I've seen her in is Cloverfield.

I mock the spread of the KDT's nonsense over to this site, but they really do point to good deals from time to time. You just need to do your due diligence before clicking Add To Cart.

Even on a holiday, the Kinja Deals Team is hard at work to bring you the best Anker crap to blow your hard-earned ducats on.

The Carolina Goldrusher at Carowinds is similar. It's a creaky old wood coaster that still delivers the thrills every single time.

Titanfall 2, because it's so much damn fun and I need to sharpen my skills before the new free DLC drops on Tuesday.

Thousands and thousands of extremely shitty titles sourced from whatever Amazon could license for the least amount of money just so they can say they have more hours of programming than the other big services.

"I don’t know why you thought this was gonna have a happy ending.”

No 12 Monkeys coverage? I know their binge-broadcast this season is weird, but I really enjoyed the reviews.

His wrestling was after my time, but he radiates charisma in everything he does.

Straight into the Friday Night Death Slot. Ouch.

So friggin' excited for Agents Of SHIELD. This season has been tremendous and I can't wait to see it come full circle tonight.

I'm a professional sports announcer, and lemmetellya, everything I know about showmanship I learned from watching wrestling as a kid. I eventually grew out of my enjoyment of it, but every now and then I see something like this. It's scripted, yeah, but those athletes still put themselves through the ringer for their