They do exactly that to slow songs and it actually looks even funnier.
They do exactly that to slow songs and it actually looks even funnier.
I love gothic culture, but all goths everywhere do the exact same set of swirly-jerky dance moves. Fuck's sakes, goths.
So much for Shark Week being better this year. At least Roth will be less annoying than last year's host.
Fuck everything about this.
Am I the only one here who's flabbergasted that Cersei Lannister, the most prominent blasphemer in the Seven Kingdoms, didn't see how empowering a bunch of religious fanatics could bite her on the ass? No, Cersei isn't as smart as she'd like to think she is, but come on. Was she really so deluded by her own arrogance…
Looks like she's had her last fuckable day.
If y'all are jonesing for quality robot fiction, the IDW Transformers comics are really good.
I was going to say that I hope this doesn't end up on a broadcast network, but then I remembered that we're talking about Mr. Romero. He'd never settle for it.
Hudduh hudduh huh!
I honestly only watched this to see where in Baton Rouge everything was filmed. It was so, so bad. Not Skyline bad, not Uwe Boll bad, but still utterly dire.
No kickass 80's-rock superheroics and hologram magic? Fuck everything about this.
Meh. Significantly less interested now.
Damn. I really liked Helix. It was one of the few shows my brother and I watched together.
A tip for watching this: There is a mid-credits scene, but there is no stinger.
I'd watch it.
Syfy's been putting out some really enjoyable programming lately and pushing lots of boundaries. (For instance, Dominion had full-on nudity in one episode.) I don't think they could make a show true to the movie, but maybe they could do one that's true to the book.
Read Batman/Dark Joker: The Wild. The Joker says a very similar line while eating someone's brain.
10 points for a The Wild reference.
I'm a Cage fan. I really wish he hadn't ended up in such awful money troubles, because I think his work was a lot better when he had more freedom to choose his roles. For the last half-decade or so, he's pretty much picked up any script that came his way and said, "Sure. Why the fuck not?" Yeah, that's given us some…
Wow. What a lovely little movie. All character and scenery, no action.