cat handcuffs

Were Hickey's comments to Annie in the dean's office not about the fourth season? Everyone doing everything they can to keep a means of communication open, but in the process allowing a guy in a suit to reduce it to meaninglessness?

On first reading of the line
"but a lot of the actual jokes in episode one—there are six" I took it to mean six jokes, rather than six episodes, and it didn't seem surprising.

If you like jokes in which the central concept is that middle class people doing/saying things typically associated with the underclass is hilarious then you'll LOVE that mitchell and webb look!

I really enjoyed the first season once I actually started watching it ("Oh! You're SUPPOSED to think Tony's a twat!"), but didn't watch the second one as I heard it got all mopey and wasn't funny any more. The third one was so bad I literally had to watch it each week. Some of the most unselfconsciously ridiculous