President Chester A. Arthur

I saw Down with the Melvins and Weedeater a couple years ago. Good christ that was a great show.

Far Beyond Driven was the consensus in my early 90s trailer park. I still think it's their best album.

Power Metal is a legitimately awesome album. I will fight anyone that says differently.

I'm not saying that they're not out there. I'm sure there's a fair share of idiots. Just that as a whole black metal listeners seem smarter than the average metallica or five finger death punch fan. And honestly if you're going to try and push metal forward as a genre then black metal is a perfect place to start

Not sure how I feel about Liturgy. I like that he is attempting to intellectualize black metal. I think that by its nature black metal is an intellectual artform. If there's one subgenre that is going to push metal in new directions, by its very nature of extremity and non adherence to tradition, black metal is that

I had a similar problem a few months ago with a certain reposted metalcore fan account that I own. Trust me when I say that you just need to chill the fuck out for a few months. Don't fuck with Sean O'neal beacuse Sean rules.Just smoke some weed, lift some weights or whatever the fuck it is you do, and relax and don't


Opeth, Katatonia, and Steven Wilson at a small club a few miles from my house last night. That shit was epic.

I know this is wicked late and that nobody probably cares, but as the one local on these boards I had to post this for the record. Just saw this tonight. Holy fuck they did a great job with the location filming. They literally filmed the first bank robbery a minute from my house. I actually used to buy weed on the

That is just one of the greatest things ever. Thank you for that.

Only the good ones.

I'll still vouch for deftones and system of a down. Other than that though it was pretty fucking dire for a lot of years. Deftones was some next level shit compared to what those other bands were up to. I'm not even going to post under my gimmick account here out of respect.


Fuck yes. I've been listening to metal for 20 years and Pierce, Heller, and UMD have turned me onto a ton of good shit I wouldn't have known about otherwise, Start a metal thread and I'll fucking be there.

First And Justice For All and now this. I'm starting to think that none of these writers even went to middle school in the late 80s.

Is there a grindcore band named Sabrina, Don't Just Stare At It, Eat It yet? If not, there should be one.

Seriously, what is this bullshit. That album is a classic.

I live in Schenectady. NonsensicalLyric is correct.

Metallica started their North American Ride The Lightning tour in my homewtown. Playing a small club and co-headlining with Wasp. That would have actually been a fucking awesome show though. I was nine at the time so I couldn't go.

I've tried to block most what happened in that movie from my mind.