President Chester A. Arthur

Agreed with all of this.

I once saw a guy at a show with the entire Ride The Lightining album cover tatooed on his back.

Anthrax didn't start to get really awesome though until they stopped trying to be goofy. That was around Persistence of Time.

The first album I bought of theirs was Chaos AD, after seeing them open for Pantera in 94. Holy fuck that was a good show. Worked backward from there and wasn't dissapointed.

Rust In Peace may be the most perfect thrash album I've ever heard. Honestly I'd take it over Reign In Blood or Master of Puppets even though I like both those bands better.

Anthrax is clearly not the best of the big four but I think they're the most interesting. Mainly because they had a completely different sound every couple of albums. For my money I'd take Sound of White Noise over anything else they put out even though its the most accessible. Persistence of Time is good but

Blessed are the sick was my first album as well. I bought it in seventh grade. Holy shit was that a revelation.

Agreed. Justice is the pinnacle of everything that Metallica had to offer. The sparse production is actually perfect that set of songs.

This x 1000.

I caught the Carnivore reunion tour back in 95 or 96. Great band but good god there were a lot of skinheads there.

That face at 1:47 may be my favorite thing that ever happened.

Boobs! and Satan!

The video for the ghost of you is fucking amazing.

This deserves at least a hundred likes.

Phillip's new name on these boards is Special Agent Dickhole.

There is no way Probst does not win a fucking emmy for this.

He clearly has a whole slew of Axis II personality disorders in addition to Axis I. He's definitely paranoid and has inferiority issues. I work in a mental hospital. Brendan reminds me of the same people I work with every day. Phillip showed exactly how you do not deal with someone like that. Probst on the other hand

Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions is pretty fucking amazing. If you're looking for a good gateway to their catalogue you really couldn't do better than that.

They're all about Avenged Sevenfold

Don't bother with that.  This is all you will ever need.