President Chester A. Arthur

The guy on the right stole my beard idea.

There is an awesome Iranian post metal band with the same name. Seriously, Iranian post metal. Check them out.

I disagree. Durbin was popular with people like me because he was repping metal on American idol. I liked him. Outside of the show I would never listen to him though and he would get laughed out of any real metal show. Also, I haven't bought an album in ten years. Skylar sings country music, and the type of shit that

So did Hank Williams

Bleach is basically a sludge metal album. It gets my vote.

Anal Cunt and GG Allin on repeat.

I blame the judges  for this. Like I said, America is fucking stupid. Most people watching this show don't know shit about music. They need someone to point out when their favorite singer is fucking terrible. Out of the three judges, only Randy even attempts to offer any kind of criticism, and he can't put together a

Except the country singers last year sucked. Skylar was actually good.

She will outsell the fuck out of whoever wins this season.

America is fucking stupid.

That's what your mom said last night.

Worked great for Charles Manson

On his taint.

I'll defend Victory. I still listen to the shit out of the those first three comps. They didn't reinvent the wheel, but sometimes you need to listen to some skull crushing tough guy hardcore, and Victory comps were always a good place to start.

This was a really great article. I used to go to a ton of shows back when there was a hardcore scene in Albany. I saw Earth Crisis once in college. Mostly for their opening band, One King Down, who were the best band ever to come out of Albany. Earth Crisis was definitely a bunch of tough guy hardcore, but I have to

Being straight edge in Utah must be lots of fun.

What's the record number of likes a post has ever gotten? It's early in the day but this could be a contender.

The only way this could possibly be better is if it starred Nicolas Cage.

Steve is in a band now. Joe was always Steve's bitch.