President Chester A. Arthur

“It’s difficult to push yourself when everyone’s telling you you’re so great”.
This is exactly what's wrong with this show now. Thank christ that Jimmy can at least try and talk sense to these people.

Survivor: Crazy Assholes.
Make it happen Probst.

Don't forget about Stifine and Krasta.


I agree with this.

That's unfortunate, as Jimmy is the only one on this show who knows anything about music.

The only thing I've heard from them is Hail Horror Hail. The song. It fucking rules. Where would be a good place to start with them?

Is there at least a hole?

Weekend at Levy's

Every day of my life.

"This is a flavor of love scented candle, bitch."

Shut it down, this wins the internet today.

Fucking right Alyson was the hot one.


This is worse.

Friday the 13th 3D is pretty hilarious though.

Bronx Tale

That is a fucking fantastic movie.

Find someone you don't like and use their computer. That's what I do when I want to look up Klingon porn at work.

Seriously, thank you for this. I just found a ton of Iranian metal bands on youtube that fucking slay. not the least of which is this one.