President Chester A. Arthur

They use the same hair care products.

Worked for the Misfits.

I guarantee the judges were not  the ones making any decisions.

Mostly shopping for baby clothes on ebay and playing farmville.


I have a mustache.

oh, you said "deck". That's not what i read at first.


That was fucking fantastic.

I read everything in his voice.

She has fantastic breasts. And she was punched by Nicolas Cage. She is okay with me.

Wrong. The correct firstie here is:

Saw these guys open for Gwar in October. Gave me 45 minutes to take a piss and get more beer. Thanks guys.

We're gonna have a three way with the Declaration of Independence

That is a classic.

Ask A Gutshot Policeman was the pinnacle.

I like it.

Shaved what?

Exactly. It's all unicorns and rainbows with these fucking idiots.

I had fun imagining that there was a train heading toward them on the other side of the camera.