President Chester A. Arthur

I think you may have A.D.D.

The Severe Beating of A High School Janitor might be the best thing Adam Sandler has ever done.

Maybe you don't

Yes, because everyone knows that hip hop is much better now than it was in the early 90's.

The Beach Boys skits must have been hilarious.


It's because he smoked a lot of crack.

The Chronic might have the best skits ever outside of Wu-Tang albums.

Every Tim Dog song I've heard sounds like he's off his medication. it makes sense that him and Kool Keith would hang out.

Not a rap album, but the skits on Life Of Agony's River Runs red album are fucking awesome.


This is the whitest thing I've ever seen.

Get your big ass AVs off my moms table. Shit's made of glass.

Tim Dog is hilarious.

Dawes is fucking stacked.

That is one of my favorite scenes of any movie.

We should all be so lucky.

Hulk Hogan should be their new singer. Obviously.

And the weird part is that he wrote that in 2009.

I went to that show. Instead of Municipal Waste we got Every Time I Die. We got fucked.