President Chester A. Arthur

You need to start a pit during Papa You Were A Sailor

How To Avoid Huge Dawes.

He'll be playing Zodiac Motherfucker obviously.

If Nicolas Cage dresses up in a fat bear suit and punches them both in the face, this will be the greatest movie ever.

This movie would be exponentially better if Nicolas Cage was playing that bear.

Good thing that WASP wasn't hanging out by the pool. That shit can be difficult to watch.

Strippers make any death cooler.

Agreed. Skid Row's first two albums are fucking classics.

Counterpoint: The last 20 years of Aerosmith's career.

That first line was my go to pick up line in 7th grade. Surprisingly it never got me laid.

Fuck yes they did.

Nikki Sixx Suxx

That sounds fucking horrifying.

The couple songs I've heard from Kix are actually pretty decent. Those are probably their two best songs though. There's no fucking way I'm checking out their whole discography.

There are so many classics on that album it's not even fucking fair to compare it to the first one. Incidentally the first time I ever saw Pantera was as the opening band on that tour.

Shout At The Devil and ACDC Razor's Edge. From fucking Columbia House.

Ratt's first album is a stone fucking classic. Also WASP had a few great albums.

Neil was decently amateur on the first couple albums. It did fit the music. Theater of Pain though is when it started to go downhill. They were better produced and you could hear the terribleness more.

The classical music station was my station for ironically randomly killing people.

Do you know how long it took to grow these fucking sideburns?