President Chester A. Arthur

And we just witnessed the simultaneous apex of Justin Beiber's career and the low point of Stevie Wonder's. Drew was cute though.

I have to agree with Biastioc here. 100%.

Fat kids.

The station in Albany still plays Candlebox like its a new band.

Mine is called Syndrome of a Down


Caligula, uncut version
Wicker Man, Nicholas Cage version

Goos job there America. Nice going with that. Now we have Josh Krajick, meth guy, and three other R&B douchebags. And Nicole in charge of Josh. This why we can't have nice things.

Both of them have a decent shot at a career. Drew will go on to be Taylor Swift for teenage cutters. Astro will be a featured rapper on a bunch of tracks for a couple years.

I liked the song. Simon has nothing to apologize for. America is fucking stupid.

Fuck you. Fuck you, America. This is why Nickelback plays at football games.Jesus fucking Christ.

Rachel, Chris, and Josh were fucking terrible. I think Josh should have enough good will to get through. The other two not so much.

I have a feeling that was not Josh's song choice. There's no way that Drew goes home before that other little muppet.

Yes. Yes it is.

Consistently ranked # 1 or 2 in it's time slot each week since September. 

The first candidate who can grow a beard like this should be the next president.

Krasta, bitches.

That was Garfield's mistake, not mine.

When you someone shit it.

I just can't believe that crunk core is an actual genre of music now. Just when you thought that crabcore was the worst thing this generation could come up with, they go and pull this shit. It makes me wish I had a time machine so I could retroactively go back in time and kick their mothers in the stomach.