President Chester A. Arthur

Sounds like he dodged a bullet there not becoming the bass player for Metallica.

I like their first album when they were trying to sound like Judas Priest. That is some quality shit. Fisful Of Metal.

Anthrax and Testamant are playing a show near my house next month in a club. I couldn't imagine any of the other three still headlining clubs at this point. But holy living fuck am I going to that show.

They should get Neil Turbin to sing again. I'm sure he's not doing anything.

I would pick Sound Of White Noise over any of their Belladonna output. Bush is clearly a better singer. Persistence Of Time was a good album too because they stopped trying to be funny and started writing really good songs. I can't take much of that early stuff though. All the songs on the Bellandonna albums are about

Let's not go giving them ideas for ways to charge more.

Obviously that's the case. You know when you used to go to a video store and they would have a "new movies" section, and you wouldn't find only movies released eight years ago that nobody gave a fuck about. They should do that instead.


Their streaming options are truly terrible and the menus are impossible to use. I'm cancelling streaming and keeping DVDs. Because fuck them. 

Their new streamiing menus are fucking terrible. There are maybe 25
movies in the new movies section and half of them came out fucking years
ago. If you want to find something worth watching, the only option is
the search menu and then the chances are 90% they don't fucking stream
it unless the movie is terrible. Fuck

It's like someone dropped Michael Cera into a game of Survivor. 

If Black Cascade is considered weak, then I definitely have to check out the rest of their shit. 

Black Cascade is the only thing I own by these guys. I love that album, but holy fuck does this sound better. 

Fuck you Norway.

Pulling on the boots

Something unexpected surprise—

I'm actually Charles J. Guiteau

It was the crackhead in Menace to Society.

Ozzy hasn't made decisions for himself at any point in the last 30 years.

Evil Never Dies