President Chester A. Arthur

Zao was signed to tooth and nail. The Blood and Fire album holds up really well. Also Mortal Treason were pretty fucking good.

Mick Mars died years ago. He has actually been a ghost for the last 30 years.

Agreed on their first two albums. I said as much a few months back in another article. Theater of Pain was a major step down. That's when they stopped pretending to be satan worshipers and started wearing pink scarves and shit. Girls has exactly three worthwhile songs. The rest is pure filler. Feelgood has Mick Mars'

Valujet bitches.

Finland was a part of Russia until 1917. Before that they were a part of Sweden.

You're not even as good as Winger.

Also agreed that Cinderella was pretty fucking good despite their name and their clothes.

What actually happened here is that a generation of idiots who would have started hair bands in the 80s started grunge bands in the late 90s. Thus grunge became co-opted by the dumbest aspects of hair metal. That explains bands like Nickelback and Seether. And then you combine the worst aspects of the two genres, so

You're sister sounds awesome, can I have her phone number?

Being kicked out of the Sex Pistols for knowing how to play an instrument.

Bag Of Bones
Would be better with Charles Bronson.

Fucking keyboard.

On Through The Night pretty much fucking rules. It's more MWOBHM than the later stuff. I still listen to it frequently. Also, somewhere on the internet there are studio recordings of Joe Elliot's vocals on Pyromania without the backing music. It's fucking hilarious.

Gonna start a fire!!!
So you can die in it.

He looks like he's just been shot in the stomach.

If anything Ron McGovney should be the pissed off one. He had to leave Metallica because he couldn't deal with Mustaine and Ulrich. I think he's a claims adjuster now.

Slayerdeth would have fucking kicked ass. That's a good lineup right there.

King Diamond invented black metal. He was rocking the corpse paint before anyone else and was an actual satan worshiper.

You lie. No 28 years old doctor would have a favorite Megadeth song. Although I am interested in your best club for y'ounger women and old'er men.

That goes without saying.