President Chester A. Arthur

The better way to do it would have been this. One person from a team is voted out, the other person is immune for the next week's vote. The next week another person is voted out, and then the two remaining for the new team. That model would carry you well past four weeks and would involve strategic making and

You will respect your step mother Pantera. This beer is warm.

Niggaz4life is a better album than Straight Outta Compton
It's true. Listen to both of them Compton has a few really good songs and a ton of filler shit. Niggaz4life is more cohesive, better produced, and flows a lot better. It's also wall to wall nihilism, which is nice.

They use baguettes to make all their upside down crosses.

I can't be the only one.
I read all of these reviews in the voice of Stefon from SNL.

My six year old loves viking metal.

Agalloch's latest might be the best metal album I've heard in years. I can also confirm that Nachtmystium is doing some other level shit. Psychedelic black metal. There needs to be more of that.

I grew up in a trailer park in the nineties. Pantera were fucking gods.

Also the new Morbid Angel is shit. It makes me retroactively question their best work now that David Vincent is a lame fucking poser. The guitarist that bites his arm and drinks his blood is still cool though.

I disagree. I'd like to discuss bands that I've heard of once in a while.

Rza is going chop off their arms when he hears about this.

Heh Heh
You said bonar.

I'm glad this exists, however it would better if some of the girls were attractive.

Is there any chance that Eli Manning will get really close to catching the criminal and then just stop trying when it really counts?

They need to bring that shit back and have it hosted by Nic Cage.

Or check out "Into The Wild" where a douchebag with no wilderness training dies in a bus.

Is trapped in the well again.

Is trapped in the well again.

Latin Persuasion
There's a lot of sand, yo.

Battlecar just won the internet. We can all go home now.