President Chester A. Arthur

Has some legitimately great songs.

Geto Boys
Their self titled was the first album I ever had to hide from my parents. It's still a classic.

Why does everyone from Canada sing like they have adenoid problems?

The syndrome that 2/3 of this band has.

Saliva's guitar player is a registered sex offender. That's literally the only thing I know about that band.

I wish the radio station would play Warrant. They at least had a couple of decent songs.

I don't know it seems like Stabbing Westward is the fucking Beatles compared to this shit. I thought they sucked when they were played on the radio every day in 96. I got their CD at a garage sale last week. They still suck, but it's nowhere near as terrible as these fuckers. third generation grunge has actually

The radio station in Albany is currently advertising an upcoming terrible festival show as such: "You don't know anything about metal if you haven't seen Godsmack live". Fuck you radio station. I've seen Opeth. Twice.

Are either of them still hot?

Muddle of Pudd

Nicolas Cage

The worst part about it is that this was the surrogate band.

You Quit Doing Heroin (Pussy)

Beating Up Hippies For Their Drugs at a Phish Concert.

Bauhaus was awesome
In The Flat Field and Stigmata Martyr are genuinely terrifying songs. That was before goths were pussies.

He looks like a molester.

Yahoo News is awesome
I'm off to the comments section to see how many posts it takes before black metal is blamed on Obama.

You play on a softball team.

You drive an Iroc

Here you go: