President Chester A. Arthur

The bass player from Journey?

Legitimate AC masterpieces:

Deserves got nothing to do with it.

The Bigger The Pants The Bigger The Loser.

Being Ignorant Is Awesome

Also their cover of the Hungry Hungry Hippos theme song.

Stayin Alive (oi version)
One of the funniest things I have ever heard.

James was a lot cooler when he didn't look like the cowardly lion.

Ed Hardy makes bikinis for girls who also want to be douchebags.

Hungry Hungry Hypocrisy

Fuckin A'

Lars' dad should be the Monopoly guy on the box.

Ahhh! My eyes!

You don't even fucking want to know about crab core.

That's a flavor of love scented candle, bitch.

I fucking love that show. Especially the fat dude. Douchebags in Ed Hardy shirts running around and threatening ghosts is pure comedy gold.

Def Leppard
Kind of look like a bunch of dicks.

Insane Clown Posse

Just like Randy Jackson.

Budweiser and Nascar.