President Chester A. Arthur

Lauren will sell albums by the truckload at Walmarts across America.

It helps if you start drinking a couple of hours before the show.

Haley used to annoy the piss out of me, but she's honestly gotten a lot better in the last few weeks. I liked James, but if it was between Haley and the Country Twins, then it should have been Haley by a mile.

Can anyone confirm that this actually happened, because if so, awesome.

The dude looked like a Fred Armisen character.

I'm pretty sure they have a list of like 100 songs to choose from each week. I'm pretty sure Slayer is nowhere on that list. He did a decent job with what he had.

There's no fucking way that either of Lauren's songs was comparable to what Durbin did last night. And Scotty's second song was so fucking terrible I wanted to gouge out my eyes. And the only person who got any criticism was Haley. Fuck this show.

So Al Qaeda and the Libyan army are killing each other. That's actually fantastic.

I'm going to go ahead and agree with Shore Patrol on a few of his points. There should be a lot more spec ops and targeted assassinations. I said just that in my post below. That's how you fight this type of warfare. Dropping bombs on civilians never won us any friends and for the most part is probably unecessary. You

Henry's Bar was the real place. It's now the Grand 99 Cent City, right on the corner of Ocean Ave where that house is.

Holy fucking shit, go put a bumper sticker on your volvo. You're arguing against interventionism by arguing that there are horrible dictatorships all over the globe. If the US wasn't taking these fuckers out, then we would have exactly what happened in Rwanda and Cambodia and you would be crying how the US doesn't

Women can go to school now without getting their heads cut off. So there's that.

Jesus fucking christ Shore Patrol. Weren't you also arguing last month that the US and England shouldn't have taken out Hitler and Japan in World War Two because England also had an empire and there are sweatshops in Asia now? Sometimes people need to be taken out. Libya lives in fucking poverty and Gaddafi is keeping

Still couldn't hurt though.

Boo fucking hoo. The world is a shitty place. Would Obama be any less of a war criminal in your eyes if he let these assholes brutalize the entire population of the country.

Targeted assassinations are the way to go. Since they know who these people are and where they are one sniper with one bullet should be the only thing involved. Then when somebody replaces that guy, shoot that fucker too. Dropping bombs is not counterinsurgency. It didn't work in Vietnam either. Neither did massive

It's a fuckload better than Momentary Lapse of Reason. There are some quality songs on there and it does sound like a Pink Floyd record. Without Waters though there's not really any substance to it. It's more pleasant background music than anything else.

I got all their albums on vinyl at a garage sale for $15. Everything else is unnecessary.

The Early Singles cd that was included with the box set is a decent collection of the Syd Barrett material that wasn't on Piper.

Piper is sonically an amazing album, but it's also got a lot of songs about gnomes and fairies and shit. Syd Barrett was a genius for music composition but he dropped way too much high grade acid by the time Piper was recorded. Saucerful of Secrets is the better album for my money. It's got all five members, plus Set