President Chester A. Arthur

Scarface PS2 game
Did anybody play this? It largely sucked, but the execution style kills were a nice feature, especially when battling a group of police. The dialogue was nice too.

Fuck yes

The Geto Boys first album was my introduction to Scarface.

I'm waiting for the special Blu Ray edition that includes a live tiger and a cage.

She looks like a character from Warcraft.

Scotty has looked ridiculous every time I've seen him.

Persistence of Time, Rust In Peace, and Seasons In The Abyss are all my favorite albums from those bands. 1990 was fucking great for metal. I was thirteen at the time though.

The hot one or the fat one?

SOD was fucking awesome. He gets a lifetime pass for that first album alone.

That is really one of the best articles i have ever read on the av club. So much unnecessary cursing. Fuck.

I remember that episode. it was fucking awesome.

Take a stool, Captain Caveman.

I'd like it better if they were just executed right there on the stage.

Clay Aiken is the bed intruder. They never did catch that guy.


Gratuitous Vagina Shots

Fucking mutt dented my shoes.

The haunted Made Me Do It fucking owns.

Anthrax was a great band but I could never take Belladonna's vocals. If Persistence of Time had been recorded with John Bush it would be one of the greatest albums ever.

Saw Metallica last year. The opened with Ride The Lightning. So yes, still pretty badass. That insanely large mongoloid they got to play bass is scary too.