President Chester A. Arthur

Jacob was born in Compton in 1987
Would it have been too hard to get the rights to "Fuck The Police"?

These are exactly the reasons that I like him.

Most of the music on American Idol is total crap. We're finally getting around to the good stuff. I am in favor of this development. Nirvana is the new classic rock.


I can't be faded.
I'm an n word from the mother effing streets.

My So Called Insurgency

I found out in college that if you wear huge pants, you can easily fit a 40 oz. in each pocket. Saved a lot of trips to the fridge.

I'm gonna start seeing if I can blame things on the Martians.

If you read any news story on Yahoo, no matter what the topic is, it will take a minimum of six comments before whatever happened is blamed on Obama. Try it sometime.

JK Simmons' ipod is all Skrewdriver songs.

My favorite review of all time.

Eric Trump
Seems like the Fredo of the Trump family.

The concept of the book is what they lost the challenge on. Also the writing was too small to read. Those two bitches were responsible for the concept and layout of the book. Also they wanted their names on the cover of the book. How does Rinna not bring these points up when confronting them in the boardroom.

She looks like an elf.

I can't believe this guy used to hang out with Biggie Smalls.

If I was a contestant on this show, I imagine it wouldn't be hard getting the rights to Pig Destroyer.

Isn't that a Lovecraft character?

Agreed on all three.

I will point out also that Jacob is from Compton.

Crazy insane angry vocal coach from group week would be a decent Simon replacement. I think we've got room for four judges.