President Chester A. Arthur

Power Metal is indeed a decent record. More along the lines of Judas Priest than hair metal. I will not vouch for the other three records though.

That Attila album is selling for $150 on ebay.

It says that you enjoy terrible music.

My money's on Horsefellow.

Wow, that tour sounds fucking terrible.

The new Agalloch on repeat for a month.

King Diamond should be on this bill.

Process of Guilt

Dave Mustaine gives gingers a bad name.

He spent the rest of the money on crack. He should have used it to buy a new face though.

I'm on a boat motherfucker. Don't you ever forget.

linxi92, you appear to be Nigerian. Do you own one of those trucks with a machine gun on the back of it, because I want to know where I can buy one of those fuckers. Let me know. Thanks.

That's how it's done.

Burzum is going to burn down down a church and record their next album there.

Trent Reznor: Said fist fuck, won a grammy.

I'm gonna go ahead and back up Erik on this. Those were the best two albums in either band's catalog. Metallica peaked early, but 1990 was a great year for metal.

And that's how come he was fucking awesome.

Late 911 wears the late crown

He used to read Word Up magazine. Salt and Peppa and Heavy D up in the scene.

He never should have gone back to Cali.