President Chester A. Arthur

I am in love with your avatar.

death metal Christmas Albums
Are there any? If not there should be.

Step one
Cut a hole in the box.

Everybody look at me. Cause I'm sailing on a boat.

I'm a fan of the old shit, but The Cult Is Alive was a fucking great album. Do the new ones sound like that?


Down and the Melvins at a shitty club in upstate NY. Fucking fantastic. I never really heard much of the Melvins before that. Jesus Christ they were scary.

A mix of Joy Division, Isis, and Darkthrone sounds like something I need to check out. thank you.

Nachtmystium is fucking terrific.

The only thing I've got from Sigh is Hail Horror Hail. I think it's a fucking masterpiece. What would be a good place to start with them.

That may be the best album I have heard in a lot of years.

After seeing them play this song
all of these guys' girlfriends went out and got abortions.

That is all. Look that shit up on youtube. It's a great show every time.

You should go dressed as your avatar.

Five Finger Deathpunch falls into the same divide. They are fucking terrible but their singer is psychotic.

Sepultura opening for Pantera 1994. Nothing I have seen since has been that good in comparison.

You're all wrong. The correct answer here is obviously GG Allin.

Slayer needs a flute player.

I'm kind of happy Lamb of God got a nomination.

King Henry VI went full retard. They should make a movie about him.