Pope On A Rope

Possibly, long-dead thread, I might possibly be talking about the self same moviefilm that CHOMPS is talking about. It certainly isn't about a killer-toilet… sadly.

One Person CAN Make A Difference
Death Bed: The Bed That Motherfucking Eats.

Magic, Drinky. Those balls were the certain creation of lanky magic. Although Dwarves may have been behind the production; this is uncertain.

Kristy Swanson counts even without all the make-up and effects that 'pretended' she was a robot.

Everything is okay. There is no need to panic. Everything remains calm like a puddle slowly drying in the noon sun. The mysterious movie I have been calling The Bog for twenty-six years is actually called Bog. And it exists. And thus another of life's curios goes dark.

Are you implying that John Voight did some micro-bukake?

And I'm not even going to mention 'seing'.

Push Back hates goats.


So, her reaction to excessive alcohol is getting drunk, honking and falling asleep? Weirdo.

Julia Gulia, apparently.

Done and d. fellow papal person. You could have equally fairly said: 'stop drinking, get something to eat and stop mooning and Juning'. However, you did not and I am grateful for the restraint.
Also I'm humbly obedient, seing, as Space Pope, you outrank me (but have you got your very own rope, thought not, no need for

Er, no.

Change, like going from hard to soft.

14. Auspicium Meloris Aevi

Zonker, no, LimeyLand will never bow to the emasculation of a jimmy-hat. Let that France feel the soggy chip in its naked state. Let France taste the pointless Monarchy. Let France suck down the juices of a nation constrained by self-loathing and desperation.

Okay, Herp, I like the cut of your gib (or jib). "Ethnicities"? god, you're fucking right about that shit, how many prejudicial doors does that term open? (As an aside: I, in my rocking stool and pipe jacket, remember when 'urban' meant 'town' and not 'Keith'.)

Oh, Emperor Jim. You should realize that the Limeys can't do shit without Yankee approval. (Okay, they sunk the Belgrano, big fucking deal). So if Britain fucks France then France will default to America. Therefore: well, not that I'm running away from this but figure it out for yourselves.

And, to round off a great session of correct spelling; please consider Waht to be What, thank you. (And wahtever else I've managed to fuck up.)

jesusFuck, phodreaw; that is the single quickest diagnoses I've ever had. Thank you. But since I live in the Vati(UK)can all this fancy arse-doctor talk is held in the hands of cheap fate. I'd have to go to the GP, who'd then send me to an anal specialist (one whom specializes in anality). And, then, it's latex