reposted cancelled showrunners

On the other hand, there's been a lot of recent attempts at "event" television and almost all have been utter failures. Even some of the ones still on the air stagger around like a drunk who woke up with a Season 2 and have no idea who drove them there or how to get home . . .

I'm not the first to say this, but Lost is

As early as the production of our sixth or seventh episode — shortly before Lost premiered — a search seemed to be going on for a showrunner who could come in and lighten some of Damon's load to allow him to do what he did best: be the lead creative voice of Lost.
For a few weeks, the names of potential candidates

Tonight's ep of #TheAmericans was so great I wish I could put it in my pocket & carry it around w/ me always. Also, pretend that I wrote it.

"My first meeting with Bill, I had never met him, and William Shatner is also an icon so he was the first person who came to mind for the role, but never having met him we met for breakfast…Some icons, lets face it, have very little sense of humour about themselves. So, we talked about the role, and I explained that

"Up until very, very recently — and by that I mean well into the early aughts — sci-fi shows were considered something of a ghetto, and the true wellsprings of "quality" writing in television were the ten o'clock police/lawyer/doctor shows. The prejudices of current high-level network execs, most of whom came up in

If we are to eliminate:
a) nature and all naturally occurring sources
b) the Old testament and related religious explanations
c) coincidence
d) the possibility that I am a delusional paranoid hypochondriac who is so fucked up that his family, pets, and house suffer from Munchausen's by Proxy—

We found out that my hooker with a heart of gold had spent some time the previous night doing what many of us do while waiting for a john to return from a smoke break: editing photos on facebook. A few clicks and we'd learned that everything she said was true: she was a single mother of two, attending college…Her