
Didn't quite understand that scene.

Why does Sally's floor smell like pee?

Wait a minute! The whores cry out for Richard upon discovering Roger's dead body….and then what? Richard goes up to the bath and sees Roger with Jame's dogtags and then what?

Wait a minute! The whores cry out for Richard upon discovering Roger's dead body….and then what? Richard goes up to the bath and sees Roger with Jame's dogtags and then what?

I was trying to figure out why I was so fascinated with the phraseology used by Gaston Means. Who talks like that? Then it came to me….WC Fields!

I was trying to figure out why I was so fascinated with the phraseology used by Gaston Means. Who talks like that? Then it came to me….WC Fields!

Can anybody comment on the tie in with the title of the episode?

Can anybody comment on the tie in with the title of the episode?

The actor who plays Richard talks about that this was the first time he killed someone without being odered to.

The actor who plays Richard talks about that this was the first time he killed someone without being odered to.

Why was Ginsburg disgusted by the display?

Why was Ginsburg disgusted by the display?

Can somebody explain the scene where Megan's friend is crawling around on the conference table in a mini skirt with all the men cheering? What was she saying? Was it about the Jaguar campaign?

Can somebody explain the scene where Megan's friend is crawling around on the conference table in a mini skirt with all the men cheering? What was she saying? Was it about the Jaguar campaign?

Can someone explain the title "At the Codfish Ball"? I looked up the lyrics and they don't seem relevant. It was established that Sally doesn't like fish, but managed to eat one bite. Was the title about Sally?

Did anyone pick up on the running thread of children/offspring in this episode? The Commodore's son, Jimmy's son, Margaret's son, Chalky's son, Nelson's baby, Capone's loss of his father, Nucky's statue, "The Kid".