mr sojourner

Now that would be some pretty sh-tty — and dangerous — compartmentalization!

Perhaps it was Zersetzung!

Well, that's nice for Paige, I guess. I suppose that's the sort of thing she wanted anyway. Gosh, she was taking it poorly!

No; STET, sic.

What? My account exists again, Disqus?! Wft?! Thanks, I guess . . . .

Do you know if the podcasts are included in the DVD sets? Probably not, I'm guessing? I didn't even know about their existence until just now!

That's it! We can call it "the best show on TV" instead of "the best show on _television_"! The former is catchier, more American!
Yeah, if only.

All Glory to the People's Heroes!

That's why President Putin ought to reinstate the old Soviet subsidies of air fare to Moscow from the far eastern regions. As it is, they have more in common culturally with Alaska in day-to-day life!

Why the Hell wouldn't they? No offense; as you said, you were only speaking your mind, but I don't get it.

The Marshall Plan was a huge success in its purpose to undermine Soviet credibility in Europe and abroad. The Red Army won the war, but the Americans, "are the heroes!".

And that Dear Leader Reagan wasn't exactly helping with the mind-boggling reconstruction needed. And that that is why she is there.

Citizen Pepenador, may I suggest that you never leave Nicaragua?

Superlativity attracts superlativity? _The Americans'_ A.V. Club audience is the best! Give y'allselves a pat on the back!

Indeed, agreed! Truly exemplary work! We could not ask for a more glorious model of the revolutionary socialist working spirit! True comradely solidarity!

I didn't see tonight's episode — no subscription and the streaming's been cut lately — nor do I watch, like, any other television (homeschooled), but I'm sure there's something to the Boy's complaint. Sometime _The Americans_ does read like a Russian novel, and can be a little "sophisticated." But A. I don't mind

Let's have a vote: Yea or Nay on this alarming trend of referring to our beloved comrade Robot Dutifully Executing Glorious Intra-Department Communications simply and bluntly as "Mailbot"‽

Next week, Agent Taffet investigates who the f—- among you is poorly rating "the best show on television" on the A.V. Club!

Yes, I believe so . . . . I'll have to review it, but I seem to remember remembering it when she said it. Of course, my brain could have been manufacturing it!

Yes, I actually prefer Diet Coke. Cheap-cultured capitalist!