Caruso Cannot Touch You

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I hear she's appearing in Ocean's 14 next…and I think you know what I mean by the "14."

That second picture on the page looks like Dick Cheney with hair.

Yeah, I misread what the entire feature was about—namely, the "real-life" part of it. So, I withdraw my nominations and instead take a smugly self-satisfying pride in my unintentional secondies.

Two items you are missing:

His name is Your Mother Is a Whore….he's a blackbelt in failed firsties.

Harold Ramis actually wrote all of the Boxmasters' music. So that's one more undeniable cultural achievement for him.

Another classic Zuckercorn bit is when he "jumps the shark" at the dock.


hey hey
Go for these two reasons and these two reasons alone:

here's something.
Replace him with "Shakespeare in Love" director John Madden and people won't even notice. Gwyneth Paltrow might even start doing sideline reporting.