Cletus Starfish

There are plenty of comedy shows out there (not to mention the barrage of pundits and media peronalities) that vociferously take sides. I've always thought South Park was pretty refreshing in its skewering of both. They seem more than anything to be contrarians (hence why they mocked the hypocrisies and idiocies of

There are plenty of comedy shows out there (not to mention the barrage of pundits and media peronalities) that vociferously take sides. I've always thought South Park was pretty refreshing in its skewering of both. They seem more than anything to be contrarians (hence why they mocked the hypocrisies and idiocies of

I realize that a) I'm commenting on this a long time after the episode originally aired and b) the review is far more indicative of your thoughts on it than the grade, but given that you spent 95% of the review making criticisms of the episode, with a few short asides on passing positive moments, how exactly does this

Paul Giamatti, Shoot 'Em Up. 'Nough said.

Paul Giamatti, Shoot 'Em Up. 'Nough said.