Dr. Probable

Fact: Don Draper came up with the Coke campaign after staying at the Panticapaeum Institute.

Norman Mailer's Harlot's Ghost, which ends with the words, "To be continued."

This Newsroom episode was a total thud, if not a dud. That episode meant one of two possibilities: (1) series finale, as Todd said; or (2) the realization by the producers that the WIll/Mac "will they/won't they" had no more steam and the Don/Sloan dating dance needed to move ahead because it was straining credulity

Randall's "involvement in whatever project Ben and Rachel were involved in
(that presumably, led to the blackout) was driven by a desire to end the
conflict by any means necessary."

Enough of the Karen storyline
I like aspects of this show but it feels like it's going nowhere. Showing tits and Hollywood people dropping f-bombs just makes it another version of "Entourage" which is a forgettable television show. Hank needs to progress or regress in some way, and this being a comedy I can only

hey everybody the writers REALLY want you to know Lenny is Jewish
Short of putting words up on the screen, try to think of more obvious ways they could have done this. I certainly can't. Just in case you Hollywood outsiders did not know Lenny's religion, Entourage is here to drop that knowledge on you.

Someone needs to invent "Entourage Bingo" where players can listen attentively each week to hear references to items that may appear on their cards. Imagine a 4x4 matrix filled in with random sexual terms/acts, B-list celebs that will make cameos, local LA spots, and wealth-signifying proper nouns. The first

Lost I'll miss you most of all
It finally sank in that there will be now more Lost episodes and this series is over. I am left with … well, "Fringe" and "Caprica" are good.

what is Daniel doing with all of those vegetables?
There are only two people in the house and this guy cuts about 20 lbs of vegetables when he cooks. All of those cutting shots are driving me crazy.

I am going to miss Noel's reviews and the reader comments
The AV Club's 'TV Club' reviews have really enhanced my TV-reviewing, and all of it was thanks to the Lost review and comments. I stumbled upon this during season 5 because I was really curious about the show. I became a follower and read all of the older

don't expect to have all things explained
"Explanation robs events of their emotional impact because it makes them seem likely and allows us to stop thinking about them." — Daniel Gilbert

The key scene this season was the very first, where all the characters are happily flying home and the Island is under water. We call this the 'alternate' time line, i.e. the one where 815 lands in LA, but the Island being below water means many more things are different in this reality, and it's not just 815 landing

next season
I see the entire season devoted to the Irish Girl who vanished into the dystopian future … the rest of the characters are killed off violently and in slow motion … only Mr. Muggles crosses over to find Irish Girl and heal the broken spirit of mother Earth.

Hiro's trial was a pure rip-off …
…of the Star Trek Next Generation's "Encounter at Farpoint" where the crew is put on trial for humanity's crimes in the dream-like Q Continuum. That episode was pretty stupid, but the Heroes rip-off with its "breaking the heroes' code" premise was even dumber. The writers should be

I think the writers are going to rip-off the 1978 Superman movie — Lex Luther buys up worthless desert property west of the San Andreas fault line & plans on detonating a stolen nuke in order to crash California into the ocean, making him a real estate trillionaire. As stupid as that sounds, I wouldn't be surprised

now I'm just watching it so I'll know what Steve is talking about
Since season 1 my interest in this show has been degrading like a radioactive isotope: Each season my enjoyment falls by 50%. During the first season I would have put this show in my Top 5. Now I'd say this is show's enjoyment factor is equal to

my addiction grows deeper
Such great TV … this show constantly keeps me guessing. I just want it to live … live damnit live!

I'm in … I will buy the first round of Lettuce Wraps!

I'm with you super nerd brother! I was just about to post the Cross/First Wave connection. I loved "First Wave" … Roger Cross plays a good agent of the Apocalypse.

Episode idea —