
Point Skank

It's the land of glitter & caesarean scars. Wine only comes in boxes.


Magnum PMS

Well, I don't have a fro.

I could never get into Justice League comics as a kid because of lameass stories like that. HP Lovecraft tales were deadly serious. You couldn't even come into contact with an artifact from the Old Ones without going batshit mad but in these DC stories they trivialize them to the point where men and women in

Miyazaki is pointless? You think he's boring, that's your own personal opinion (or defect IMO) and you're entitled to it, but the man's work is anything but pointless.

I agree with every film you mention except GHOSTS OF MARS. That movie is hot shit, through and through. Even Carpenter's missteps had some redeeming quality. VAMPIRE$ had James Woods. IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS had Sam Neill and the awesome HP Lovecraft homages. PRINCE OF DARKNESS had Victor Wong, Dennis Dun,

Maybe he just has a bladder infection.

Bit redundant in my verbage. Should've just left it at clandestine societies. C'est la vie.

People really believe Jay-Z is in the Illuminati
This isn't the first (or third) time I've heard idiots talking about Jay-Z being some Satanist involving in clandestine secret societies. There are countless websites dedicated to illustrating his involvement, and it's hysterical how much shit people can be made to

How can you get behind a movie that features people outrunning the weather? I know Emmerich thrives on suspension of disbelief but DAY AFTER TOMORROW is a looney tunes cartoon.

Eric Balfour, Donald Faison & Brittany Daniels make up the cast, which means that SKYLINE looks more like a can of alphabet soup that only contains the letter Z.

What else makes you laugh, buddy? Paint drying? Crickets? Cloud shapes? I gotta feeling that if I were as easy to amuse as you, my life would be richer.

Plus anyone who has seen a picture of Clint Howard is fully aware of the shallow gene pool Ron swam out of. He is Appalachian mountain folk and no one has cared about the shit that drizzles outta their gullets since the Georgia Gold Rush.

Never thought I wanted to see Kenny Powers be humble
I have enjoyed watching him be a total ass so much that I really believed it'd hurt the show if he ever showed signs of maturity, but last night was awesome. It seems like the fallout with his father actually liberated him in some small part. He made amends, showed

LOST GIRL is fucking terrible. I've been desperate for a cool genre show since MISFITS finished its first series, and I gave LC three episodes to hook me. What a waste of time that was.

Same here. Albert Finney & J.E. Freeman kicked an unholy amount of ass in that movie. Everything that came outta Eddie Dane's yap was hysterical. One of my favorite Coen Brothers villains.

Good call, UStillHaveZoidberg! He would be so awesome as Rusty.