
Looking forward
This sounds like exactly the sort of insanely ambitious experiment that I love to see. I'm skeptical that "opens wide" means it'll show up anywhere near me, but one way or another, I'm going to see this movie.

Interesting perspective
I'm actually a couple of years younger, but still a child of the eighties, mastering things like ambulation and speech while these movies were coming out. But my parents actually kind of raised me on them. I think that I saw Raiders for the first time on VHS around age four or five, my mother

I don't know what the name of that phobia is, but being that common it probably does have one.
Have you considered downloading the episode from a bittorrent or something? Ordinarily, I wouldn't condone that kind of thing, but it sounds like you kind of need the closure. I'd put mental well-being over copyright

After the theme week
I don't want to be a bother, but I couldn't help but notice that Sonic has a new horrific fried-nugget thing (Cinna-Snacks!) and I was wondering if you could please make Noel Murray eat it again. Thanks.

I thought he was talking about the A.V. Club comments.

It's odd…
As an Arkansan, I have sort of grown accustomed to seeing a band from our state rising to international stardom every three years or so. May I recommend that you pick me in six years, and in the meantime, check out Da Slim and Round Boys, perhaps the world's foremost experts on rap music about living in and

I haven't listened to too much Willie, but Red Headed Stranger is a fantastic album, and it was what made me want to delve deeper into his catalog. My mother i a huge fan of Stardust, and I can generally rely on her in this kind of situation.

That is fantastic! Is that the actual cereal box? I mean, do they have time to fix this before launch (Do you launch cereal? Release it? Or what?), or can I go to the grocery store today with my friends and deride the cereal?

I really enjoyed Clerks, personally. I really didn't find Veronica to be difficult or intolerable, and I really didn't think of her as a slut, if only because I didn't think that's what Smith had in mind. I think she was a person who genuinely cared for Dante and wanted him to do what was best. I wouldn't call

I'll agree about the videos - my computer audio's buggering up, so I can't watch them - but I am very glad to see Films That Time Forgot return.

He was joking about parts of it, but in this video:
He seems to suggest that he's willing to fund an Arrested Development movie. If there's any truth to that at all, I'd have a hard time bearing him any ill will for anything he's done before or after that.

This game is awesome
I've only played Killer7 and No More Heroes, but I'm a big fan of Suda 51. I'm not sure if this is just a function of the story, or if it's him deliberately playing with what video games are about, but I've noticed that both games get increasingly morally ambiguous as you go along, and he makes

Hulk treatment
I haven't read the David run of The Hulk, but I've read some of his other stuff, and he really is a thoughtful writer. I've heard a lot of people talk about the psychological depth of his work on The Hulk.
What I remember most about the Ang Lee film was a pretty cartoonish Hulk and a giant, frothing

I love Les Parapluies de Cherbourg! It's nice to hear it brought up.
I have to confess that I knew nothing about French New Wave cinema. Now I know next to nothing, but I know where to start, and that's enough.
This is a really cool series of articles.

Media Wall
I have to confess the part of me that grew up in awe of James Bond villains (most of me) really wants a touch-screen media wall.

Tonight's Family Guy
I have to say that I thought that tonight's Family Guy was one of their better efforts as of late. I'd stopped watching the show for awhile, but a friend came by the dorm and told us that we absolutely had to check it out, and I found myself pleasantly surprised. You sort of knew the whole time

The Thin Man
It may be because I didn't know who he was back when I saw the movie (I was young), but I had no idea that The Thin Man was a Dashiell Hammett story.
That just makes it even more awesome.
Thank you for that.

Ulysses, anyone?
Has anyone seen the Joseph Strick adaption of Joyce's Ulysses? In a lot of ways, it's a really earnest effort, but it's one of those where the book is just far too dense to be filmed. That thing was so hard to sit through. I guess there's really only so much you can do when the majority of the book is

cost of entry
That's an interesting idea, Nathan. It makes sense to me.
I, for one, feel a lot more comfortable saying something like "I don't care for what I've heard of (insert genre)" than "I don't like (insert genre)." You know? I've always tried to be willing to admit that my experience is limited.
I had a friend

the voice of god
So, is Elliott Gould a better or worse God than Val Kilmer?
What about George Burns?
And what is it with people picking really, really unlikely actors and actresses to play God?