
They are joking. (just joking)

Nolan's always couched his sequel plans for these in a lot of qualifiers and conditions - IF we come up with a story we like, IF I have time, yada yada - but he's said, I think pretty much from the beginning, that he would absolutely max out at three.

I haven't read Ultimate Spidey, but I need to.
I really like most of Bendis's work that I've read. But I get why he's polarizing; he's too high-profile not to be. I think (I could be wrong) that when most people complain about him, it's not so much about his writing as it is that he's plotted the entire Marvel Universe

Sit Down, Man was pretty good.
It may have been a mistake to announce their presence to the world with such a goofy, grating song. (To be fair, I kinda like it when I'm in the mood, but I completely understand that irritates people.) That said, Their second album, Sit Down Man, is very impressive, and one of my new

My understanding is that Dan Ackroyd desperately wants to give us Ghostbusters 3, and Murray wants nothing to do with it. We got a video game of surprisingly high quality.

Cannon Gallery
You may have already seen this, Nathan, but sci-fi blog io9 posted a gallery of Cannon posters today. I thought of you immediately.

Schwarzenegger and Stallone
I completely understand what you mean about Stallone, but the more I've learned about Schwarzenegger, the more fun I've had watching his movies. I mean, he may not be the auteur that Stallone is - to my knowledge, he's never written anything - but I've been surprised to learn how much work

You make a good point, yourself. I think that if you know what you're getting into that you can still get some enjoyment out of it. And I personally liked the various interpretations of the story-within-the-story. Sam Rockwell as imagined by the kid vs. Sam Rockwell as imagined by Jemaine was really amusing to me, and

I liked it.
To be honest, I really enjoyed it. That said, I saw it at a free preview, and Jared Hess was there talking about the movie himself. He kept talking about how much the mother was based on his own mom, and how the mom's relationship with and encouragement of her son was the most honest thing he'd ever

There are a great many AV Club features that I enjoy, but this one may well be my favorite.

Picked up Y Tu Mama Tambien at a local grocery store because it was $5 and we were curious. Heard good things, but beyond that, didn't know a thing about the movie.

To see Leslie Nielsen as an action hero, watch Project Kill. The DVD is well worth the dollar you will spend on it.

I bet that barbershops would get a lot more business if they put signs out front that said "free wet massages."

Breakfast Balls, the Minority Report short story had the precogs pretty much as they were in the Spielberg flick. I don't think that Martian precogs were in any of his stories (although, I haven't read all of them.) I think that they were making them Martian for the sake of tying the two films together.

Why is the hiatus listed as a boring old "note," instead of a Super-Special Metabuzzkill?

I was far from an early adopter for Darko or Boondock Saints, but I had the good fortune to see them both before they exploded all over Hot Topic. I didn't know what I was in for for either film, and I enjoyed them both.

Would it be "Dark Harder" or "Don Harder"? When I say "Don Harder" I imagine someone putting on clothes REALLY INTENSELY.

"The Blues Brothers" meets "How Green Was My Valley"

Just when I thought your post couldn't get any better, I saw the third one. Way to land on your feet, skullcrusher.

I would like to congratulate whoever it was that thought to dovetail the site redesign with an article about classic revamps.