
Yes! That is true. I wonder how she is going to handle an actual regenetation, assuming she will be around for that? I mean, she didn't seem to really question what happened when he "regenerated" in this episode. Maybe she was just trying to take all of it in.
I do agree that her decision was a rational one. Can

I agree with you. We first saw that in the funeral scene. I felt so bad for Sol. Robert was fussing at him for not being Grace. That was just mean I think Sol is just adorable, and after 20 years of working and sleeping together, you'd think Robert would be used to Sol being "too much."

I adore this show. Sol is so sweet. He just wants everyone to be okay. I have never had so much fun watching a spelling bee.

Brianna is so mean. I don't get abrasive women like that. I also don't get men who find it attractive.