Leonard Likes This Post

I like watching Dan Harmon try to impress Ernest Hemingway (on the History Channel, no less).

I … no.


… he said, fully erect.

Pfffttttt ….

I've never been more relevant. THANKS DISQUS.

Hot Tip: Dr. Rosenrosen gives out Rituximab like it's candy.

Hot Tip: Dr. Rosenrosen gives out Rituximab like it's candy.

All hail Sir Eats Alone ….

All hail Sir Eats Alone ….

Annie is hanging out on some very odd furniture. Where do you get furniture that size?

Annie is hanging out on some very odd furniture. Where do you get furniture that size?

Pfffttttt ….

Pfffttttt ….

You're talking about it.

You're talking about it.

The stakes have never been higher.

The stakes have never been higher.

Yeah it is.