Literate man

There are more potential customers who identify with the passed-upon "girl-next-door" archetype than the cheerleader, because most people are physically unremarkable, socially "awkward," and see themselves as misfortunate. Therefore she pretends she's more like the larger demographic in order to sell more records.

It used to be funny twenty years ago.

What if it WAS?

I never got this about today's pop music scene, and I'm not that old: sure you can rub one out over the image of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and the rest of the glued-together pop starlets. Why do you need to listen to the music too? It's fucking terrible.

Pro sports players are the worst.  Especially baseball and football as they all tend
to be products of the weird Asian sweat shop mentality where they have
probably done nothing all their lives but play these games because their
parents and/or team

Is that a joke about the Oppenheimer book, because I'm sure that's already been done by one of these clowns like whoever writes the Elijah Wood is in Russia series. And the Tom Hanks 9/11 one, I think its the same guy. That whole crowd.

What helpful and insightful criticism to be found here. Top notch.

David Foster Wallace had the mind of an earnest adolescent and seems not to have moved beyond it or ever gained a bigger view of art than what he was a true believer in, like he wants to go around shouting Faulkner's Nobel Prize speech at everybody. Or he was chronically afflicted by this immature motivation of young

I dunno, it sounds a little Jewish.

Could we have a caption contest for this photo?

Nice beard bozo. And cool photoshopped-in buddy.

Only a crazy person would seriously consider actually trying to contact this 7-years-ago pubescent sexual partner, who now "lives on the other side of the country" to hang this trip on him. It sounds like she's maybe just carrying a crazytorch for this guy, and if she doesn't have a real psychotic issue surrounding

One for the legs and another sitting astride her shoulders for the upper body. You didn't really think a woman could be that big did you?

You're really going to inveigh against people internet-hating a tween celebrity?

During the whole tricorn hats and shout-down-your-congressman glorious dawn of the Tea Party, I went as a tourist to the rally in the public park here. I had a sign that said something about keeping your nazi hands off my social security. The first guy who approaches me is this old rotten-toothed but strangely

I never understand what magical glamour surrounds this Soderbergh customer to make otherwise rational people think the director of insipid big-budget George Clooney vehicles and middling "independent" features is the second coming of Ingmar Bergman.

Every Muslim is a terrorist the same way every American is a CIA agent. You realize the show doesn't aspire to a panoramic view of 21st Earth?

Every Muslim is a terrorist the same way every American is a CIA agent. You realize the show doesn't aspire to a panoramic view of 21st Earth?

You gotta finish that thing within 2 minutes of coming out of the oven or else something really weird happens to it.

You gotta finish that thing within 2 minutes of coming out of the oven or else something really weird happens to it.