Literate man

I was very skeptical of the new Jason Jones prototype guy at first, Klepper or something, but he won me over, and it now it seems like he's been on the show for 5 years. Are he and Jessica really going to have to toil under the Noah?

How does anyone not like Led Zeppelin? And I ask that as someone who didn't like Zep Zeppelin until a year and a half ago.

Clearly you never saw George Carlin take on a heckler. Not, shall we say, the most gay-friendly rhetoric.

Springsteen's Passaic night concert from 1978 or 79, which has an excellent soundboard bootleg and also video which is on youtube should have been mentioned, if you find room for Frampton et al. Prove It All Night in its true form goes from a rather tame, laid-back piano stroll on the single to an edge of the volcano

Hey pal, the Browns have history, and fans. If you're going to take that route, at least dump the Jaguars or something.

I would have thought most people loved their hometown commentators, but perhaps this is one area in sports where Cleveland excels.

Are you really going through Flying Circus bit by bit and asking "is it funny" for every scene? Is this part of a cultural assimilation correspondence course for Bhutanese immigrants?

Say what you want about the madman Suarez, he deserves everything he gets. But did anyone notice when Mario Balotelli tried to put his knee through a Uruguayan skull?

Also, it's never an accurate reflection of the time lost to injury/time-wasting/substitutions. Anything outside of 3-5 minutes after the second half is extraordinary, or at a Manchester United match.

I love how some of the antisoccites try to spin that chestnut.

"Ronaldo" is a given name. According to wikipedia, "chosen after then-U.S. president Ronald Reagan, who was his father's favourite actor."

Usually I find baseball fans to appreciate soccer more than the average American. Both are games of frustration and their marathon seasons have little overlap. Japan's sporting priorities are correct.

He can borrow Mel's rolodex of black lesbian rabbis for the inevitable apology tour.

You are an idiot.

It's really an idiotic comment, buried within in a laughably trite, uninterested critique. GoT was a "game-changer," if we're really still using that buzzword, from its first season. Putting on ten+ hours of big budget, high quality, Lord of the Rings-scale epic fantasy, not to mention selling it to people who

I suppose they must be quite a different thing over there. In the US, the Buzzcocks are/were a fairly niche taste within the wider punk err… community. I suppose the kids who get into punk in the first place here get into it more for the harder and more aggro stuff, and as they age go down the paths of hardcore and

You should probably root for the USA if you're American, though they aren't very inspiring. Outside of the unwieldably abbreviated USMNT, some fun teams should be Uruguay, Belgium, and the Croatians—at least in terms of small countries fielding well above average quality. Now I'm not one of these Americans who roots

It's no secret that the "great" punk bands didn't pigeonhole themselves into a Sex Pistols-style mannerism, nor that "punk" is close to meaningless in terms of music. The Ramones and the Clash are (two of) the best punk bands, and they are all over the map stylistically, The Clash perhaps earlier and in a bigger way

The one from the Fast and Furious franchise is up there. And who can forget Mili Avital, James Spader's love interest from "Stargate," and Johnny Depp's from the first ten minutes of "Dead Man."

Your tastes are fine, but I don't remember the Buzzcocks pouring from every radio, television, and computer in America and their being heralded in all forms of media as the greatest band in the world for years, and that's an important ingredient in a good hatesong.