Xanadu Can-Do Spirit

@qwertyuiop: I'm officially stealing "portmantard" as the newest addition to my vocabulary. Thank you. Because it combines the best of all worlds: specifically the geeky english major in my AND my love for anything that ends in -tard.

Temple of Doom is definitely the odd-duck of the trilogy.

@DPA: "J'accuse, asshole." I can totally hear Doakes saying that.

I see what you are saying, and I agree that it would have been an interesting avenue. But much like Dane Cook's character in Mr. Brooks, she was much too eager. In the end, she would have spelled Dexter's downfall because she didn't spend her formative years under Harry's tutelage (if that's spelled right, :D).

I'm Conflicted
I'm really torn about this finale because while I'm pleased that I called it playing out the way it did, I'm sad Doakes had to die. Who would have thought that Dex keeping him in a cage would be the most interesting thing Doakes ever did?

Opportunity of a Lifetime
Too bad Shannyn Sossamon's kid is too young to guest on this album. Audio Science Daydream would have been a much better title.

Where's Anon's thoughts this week? I'm holding off because I've got a lab practical tomorrow, Friday, AND the GRE.

P.S. I'm sure you (The AV Club) have heard this before, but I'll say it anyhow: it needs to be easier to log in and stay logged in. Heck, it needs to be easier to find the place to log in.

I'd like to thank my mom, my agent, the Academy, that one poster from last week who said it wouldn't happen (SUCK IT). I'd also like to tell those out there who aspire to being first to just keep trying, because one day it might happen.

She's easily the most likeable character of the buch at this time…of course that could have something to do with the fact that when they show her my mom still asks who that is.

Nice. I'm glad we've reduced the level of discussion to a place where even o-chem jokes are acceptable. :D

I feel like Lila's character walks a fine line between being a character of convenience who will serve only to advance Dex's development as a person and being a perfect foil for Dex.

It must have been on another entry for this show where someone commented that LaGuerta would have difficulty accepting Doakes as the BHB. While I feel like There is some validity to that thought, it's kind of common (almost to the point of being cliche) for those close to serial killers to remark, "but he

BHB: Do-gooder?
I think that the attention Dex receives in this episode and the next one as his alter-ego the BHB is a nice call-back to the end of Season 1, where he imagines walking through a cheering crowd of admirers of his "work."

They can take my fast food, but leave the shopping be!

No Subject
Sex Pizzas!! I might buy one of those as it combines two things I love most…after family, friends, the dog, and television…

I had been trying to get into Of Montreal for a while. Then I came across the CD with the "Outback" song which was infuriatingly catchy.

Come on!
I second Deadwood, Jem and the Holograms, Arrested Development, Rockford Files and A-Team.