Keith Allison

I hope she's careful when making love to the belly button.

That is the kind of moment I would kill a man for.

"You know what happened to her?"

Apparently the Blood Diamond/Departed problem came from campaigning. The studio apparently thought it would boost his award prospects if they threw him in for Supporting in the Scorsese film, while Lead for Blood Diamond (it actually worked at SAG). Personally, I think that that was a stupide move, but there you go.

*Teacher Michael Winslow tells the class to quiet down*

I think she'd have to be.

I'll give you that. It's like he actually knows emotions.

Freddie Prinze, Jr. never did top his guest spot on Friends.

Ha, I just watched "Mother Simpson" for the first time last night, and I feel a huge urge to shout out "Leaves of Grass, my ass" in public.

Es bueno.


He was in "It's Complicated", right, albeit in a supporting role? I suppose that was considered okay.

She was also in that episode of 30 Rock ("Reunion") where she thinks Alec Baldwin's character was an ex-boyfriend of hers in high school. Probably one of the best episodes of the show, though I suppose her specific part wasn't that interesting in itself.

Quiet You!

"Chuck Lorre sends his regards"

Aww, I liked watching all of the actors in this, so I didn't get as bad a vibe from it as everyone else. The interplay between the guys was pretty charming.

I feel the same way. I guess it's almost like a Simpsons situation, where the majority of the episodes under Mike Scully's run weren't necessarily "bad", but also lacked a lot of the dimension of Seasons 3-8 and made the characters more like cartoons and less like people. I can actually watch quite a lot of Seasons

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus I'll leave when I'm good and ready.

"What IS this place?"

Oh, and don't forget Taxi. That moment in the pilot where it's revealed to the audience that the seemingly intimidating Louie is actually the size of Danny DeVito left me howling the first time I saw it.