Keith Allison

I also loved seeing Alexis Denisof prance around in front of that glass window in order to eavesdrop on a conversation.

I doubt that they can do much worse than the Emmys did this year…

"Lion in Winter" would seem like the way to go. He would have made a great winner for "Becket", but I think the majority would argue that the Oscar should've gone to Peter Sellers in "Dr. Strangelove" for 1964.

Man, you know it's bad for the 8th Doctor when they can't find anything nice to say about 6 and still decide to spotlight him.

Anthony is the fucking worst.

My God, in 2009, too! That's the kind of process that you'd picture when reading about George Takei auditioning for Star Trek, but not this.


Ugh, but given how much older Roger Moore was than Stacey Sutton, was it really worth it?

I'm just… going to keep eating my $1 slice 2 Bros….

Fuck you, 4 hour erection! What good have you ever done me?!

Love that Andy's song basically ends with him thinking the royal baby's name is "Jim".

I learned about foreign event, culture and history in 7th grade social studies class. We watched Hotel Rwanda. My teacher was pretty cautious around, us making absolute sure to clarify that we could go to the library if were uncomfortable around the more… gruesome sections. But it was an incredible experience.

I will not be able to get the Michelle Monaghan line out of my head for the rest of the day. Thank you, AV Club.


Amy Adams doesn't… still matter?

You get them for free? I have to pay a whole dollar for mine! Damn you all!

To another extent, I was really disappointed that the relationship between Will & Jackie got dropped off so unceremoniously. They had known each other since childhood, and she seemed to actually challenge Will to grow out of his casanova persona and act like a mature adult. Then she just gets written out after the

Eh, that's not too out-of-character for Michael, these days.

"We were going to lose our virginities together! NOW I'LL NEVER LOSE IT!"

Aww, Matthew Perry can do drama pretty well. I wish he'd flex his muscles a bit more than play Chandler schtick in a new sitcom every few years.