Keith Allison

Honestly, one of the things that bothered me the most about Iron Man 2 was that Rockwell's character was so ineffectual that I couldn't even really enjoy the performance. He's such a non-threat, yet they give him so much time onscreen that it detracts from the effectiveness of the film's other antagonists. And after

Jake Johnson and Will Arnett were robbed of wins in those respective categories, as far as I'm concerned.

I like your style.

But, hey, don't worry, guys! It's not like he wins every year… last year they gave it to Jon Cryer!

Aaron Paul actually didn't have that much to do in Season 5A, either. He went from practically a co-lead to much more of a background character, at least compared to the last few years. Jonathan Banks was definitely the MVP of that run of episodes.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I loved the SNL one the most, this year. Just loved the call back to Stefon's wedding.

Emmy voters use a preferential ballot, so that likely wasn't an issue. Daniels' submitted the pilot to the judges, so they probably got caught up in that "America sucks, now" speech that kicks it off. Those kind of speeches worked all the time for James Spader on Boston Legal.

That Oscar nom for The Squid and the Whale was well-earned.

FYC: Peter Dinklage as Anna Faris' dad.

I don't know, some specific parts of Theon's torture felt pretty real to me.

Though Anna Gunn managed a win.

Could have been worse. Could have been stuffed into a fridge.

They actually use a preferential ballot, so I don't think vote-splitting is an issue. Daniels just had that "America sucks, now" speech from the pilot episode that he submitted, so it probably worked in his favor. That kind of stuff worked all the time for James Spader on Boston Legal.

Bad Ben.

Don't forget about that random guy that one of the cousins shot in the parking lot during "One Minute".

I really can't believe how many great episodes Cranston has had this season. For his Emmy submission next year, the finale will probably be the one with the greatest impact, but my God has he been on fire in this and "Ozymandias".

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Don't you forget about Jim Parsons!

Bobby Cannavale, meanwhile, just gets a nod of acknowledgement.

Nothing will match up to D-War: Dragon Wars.

The A.V. Club:
I love how the team over at BB successfully achieved in one season what the Dexter writers couldn't in eight.