Im Oscar

It's a Pontiac
Not a Buick…

Matt Smith's BAFTA clip
That last scene (beginning right after the Doctor drops the two off at the press conference) was really, really incredibly well done! The setup to the big twist was so nicely unsettling and left me wondering what the hell was going on the whole way through.

The first time Amy saw eyepatch lady was when she went to the abandoned orphanage in DOTM, which is where the Silence took her. So she would have been replaced by a Ganger even before that point.

The first part of this
makes so much more sense in retrospect. The Doctor went to go investigate the 'Flesh' in its early days because he knew Amy was a Ganger—but for how long has he known??

I assumed it was when the Silence took her in 'Day of the Moon', but then the math doesn't really work (3 months between Impossible Astronaut and DOTM, another 6 between then and now?) for her to have the baby now.

'Parks and Rec' reference
Councilman Richmond is just Rob Lowe's character on a couple Valium.

'Jersey Shore Bunga-bunga Special' anyone?

Russians: the most dangerous game

Baltimore P.D. has quite a backlog of these cases.

Who uses JTA as a news source?

'Poop Culture'

Good people and francophobes-
Hear me out: