Dr Up

Stopped watching this unbearable show after the first season but the reviews on this site almost make its existence worthwhile.

Boston Legal ftw. From memory, there was a whole episode in its last season about an old couple taking a heartless TV network to court because they didn't programme any shows for old people and insisted on cancelling everything they like.
I really loved Boston Legal and I'm hardly an old person at all.

Good to see Pailhead namechecked. Their two EPs are phenominal - would've been great to hear what Mackaye might've done if he'd kept up some sort of interest in electronic music.

I think Watchmen the movie is terrific. I couldn't give two fucks for how faithful it is to the panel structure of the book or how Snyder changed the frankly silly ending.
It works. It looks amazing. Questionable music choices aside (which I'd maintain were done for comic effect anyway), it's legitimately as good as

Superhero films are shite.

Haven't read the book, but I can kinda see the point of the records receiving increasingly short shrift, as they get less and less vital as time goes on. From one of the greatest debut albums of all time in the shape of Psychocandy, there's less and less to keep you interested after Automatic.
For anyone with an

I heard a tune off this yesterday on the radio and had to switch it off as it was a bunch of mumbling, maudlin, mimsy shite.

The trailer gives rather more of the game away than you'd probably want, but it's a fair reflection.

Saw this last night and it's fantastic. Gyllenhaal looks like an insect.

Saw this last week and it's great. If I weren't so crass as to steal another man's lunch, I'd even say it 'owns'.

Saw this earlier in the year and it's a great movie. Not that you 'muricans will be, but don't go into expecting it to be about Frank Sidebottom. Although Dowd mentions Daniel Johnson, there's a whole stretch that is like a biopic of Captain Beefheart (the bit where they're recording their album is clearly very

There's been loads of great songs this year but still no really great albums, I'd suggest.

I'm with O'Neal on this one. Clearly, I'm not the demographic for 'Fancy' either and have equally as little knowledge of what the hell it even is as he does, but it does strike me that it used to be easier to just absorb some sort of megahit than it does nowadays.

New Order without Hooky - better than they've been for 15 years and more

Hmmf is right. Loved Dollhouse (I'm saving most of season 2 for a binge this summer).

You can probably overthink how to get into industrial.

Absolutely agree. Twitch is their best album, if you ask me. I do quite like Every Day is Halloween, however.

Yep. For a brief period around 88-90, everything on Wax Trax was worth a purchase. Acid Horse, Lead into Gold and 1000 Homo DJs are all absolute classics.

Right then, late to the party and really don't have the time to trawl through 2000 comments.

The whole ethos and rationale for Unplugged was horribly flawed and hopelessly patronising. The idea that this was somehow 'real' music made my blood boil, as it effectively ruled that anything created using electronic instruments had no value, as it couldn't be recreated acoustically.