
My favourite fictional TV character in the history of fictional TV characters.

True enough, the trouble they have remembering the days of the week is astonishing.
Like 'Oh we've just had Friday night dinner, but ugh, I don't want to go to Friday night dinner tomorrow.'
Still though, always bugged me.

Gahhh, I forgot to put newspapers down for him again.

I think I remembered 'Kiss and Tell' being better than it was, but I watched it last night and it just kind of… happened. 
Dean was weirdly surly, which I guess ASP thought 'Ooh actually, no, I'll take that away and save it for a later boyfriend'. Seriously though, I'd have NEVER given that much attitude to the mother

Oh, Mike.
"You had to be there"
"…were you there?"

Ah, see, he's the Angel of Death to me.

Yeah, none of that landed. 
Are you sure she didn't say "Doll, you’ve got the gams, but I’ve got a body in the trunk of my car"?

It's about time.
If their coaches are the only real link they have to the industry, they shouldn't think 'Well, now, I liked Hips Don't Lie…'
I mean, I don't know what the after-care is like with The Voice, but it looks to be worse than Idol or X Factor, so they need to latch on to whoever they can.
Like, in the UK

Yeah, he's quite easily and regularly fobbed off.
Poor Nestor.

James Arthur was the worst.
I get that someone's 'story' helps people to like them at first, but you shouldn't be able to ride 'I was homeless' all the way to a win when you're as charisma-free as he was.

I think maybe The Voice doesn't actually produce any stars because even though they get a record deal, there's noone - that they've mentioned - who could really DO anything about launching their career.
I'm guessing that once their season's over, they get given some kind of management and get to record, but… their

Between this and Ringer, I'm thinking Nestor Carbonell may have a thing about suspiciously looking at blonde ladies.

This really was a decent episode of the show Family Guy is now.
But… that phone in the toilet bit.
I felt nauseous and had to mute the rest.
I assume it got more disgusting and no funnier as it carried on.

Really, @avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus ?
Geri was always my favourite.
She had lady balls.

Oh yeah! Towards the end? Just watched it.
Poor Victoria, not given any of her own parts to sing.
Understandable, but still.

Did it not?

I'd forgotten about this and also that it was in Dollhouse; I'm like a forgetting machine.
If you like downbeat covers - and, I mean, who wouldn't? - try Nerina Pallot's cover of CeCe Peniston's Finally.

Oh, it is.
I meant the Liz thing more for… everything else Tessa did in the episode.
Plus, I assume LL would be down for some waffles, regardless.

He wrote some decent episodes, like the Bracebridge Dinner, but he was obsessed with turning out wacky townie after wacky townie and mostly just made everyone super mean - I'm sure he was going for witty - and too reliant on pop culture. 
I know the references were the show's 'thing', but it always seemed more

Why would he have shot it? 
It's already dead from running into a Jeep.