Eddie Deezen

Paul Barman!
whatever happened to that guy?

i don't know…
Paranormal Activity = Blair Witch Project
The Fourth Kind = Blair Witch Project 2

sex with prostitutes?
i thought that song was about dancing!

Rex Is Not Your Lawyer
so, why wouldn't his clients just get another lawyer if he couldn't defend them?

you know, there's a third Farley brother who acts also. he was in "Straight Story." i'm just saying.

The Jeremy Piven baby looks exactly like Mickey Rooney!

Fuck it.
You put DMX and Steven Seagal in a movie together and something awesome is guaranteed to happen.

but what if you don't blink when the glasses mist up?
how the hell are you supposed to know when to blink then?

he's an analrapist!

AC/DC are innovators in that they were the first band to be fucking awesome.

does anyone want to read some of my mustache poetry?

can someone do me a favor?
i missed the ending of "Get Rich or Die Tryin."
Can someone tell me if he got rich, or did he die trying to get rich?

i literally live a block away from the main scientology center in Hollywood, the one they showed on the video!
i live in fear!

Jeff Dunham sucks!
I prefer David Liebe Hart

i second the awesomeness of Crossballs. the only drawback was that it featured Jerry Minor. that guy's not funny, yet for some reason he keeps showing up in everything i like.

maybe her first guest could be The Leprachaun?

expect Paul Haggis to mysteriously "disappear" at some point in the near future.

i have udders…
can you milk me?

i don't think emo kids are into Morrissey. at least not what is know as emo today. or maybe i'm just out of touch.

"Do Deluise?" No Thank You!