Prick Decay

Season 5 of The Simpsons and a lot of Dr. Katz and Tim and Eric to nurse my girlfriend who was going through a health issue this weekend.
I did get really stoned and thought Wonder Boys would be a breezy idea. It wasn't as breezy as I thought, but I do like that film a lot.

AP Mike has gray hair? I did not expect that.

My first ever firstie and I double posted. I was expecting the Cancer and the Aids and the whatnot, but I guess everyone left early for the weekend.

I get your name!

I've ruined everything!

Mocking us!
You sly bastards.

Mocking us!
You sly bastards

Scouring RSS feeds ("because I don't even *own* an Ipod") for another underappreciated podcast to bitch about.

Why was it Kevin's responsibility to tell the white person how to act?


Hey, hermano!

I dunno, this interview was pretty great.

I want to wish him whatever success it will take for him to make another comedy album.
Jesus his first one was great.

A perfectionist. Just like Quincy.

@ Mrs Gods
Yeah, when Carlin died, they showed one of his SNL-hosted episodes.
Holy shit was it terrible. And some of the sketches appeared to have been really entertaining if you were highly under the influence.
Unfortunately, I was not.

Kornheiser maybe an old, prickly dude, but he's pretty willing to own up to his bullshit and has NOTHING good to say about Tirico.
Even if you disagree with him, he was in a very intense working relationship with Tirico for 2 years.

Are you…in the mirror?

I think they just slowed them down for a couple weeks because the releases looked pretty dire.

My speculations may be wild, but they're not bitter.

I think her parents are far, far worse. She always comes off like a dead-eyed dolt.