Prick Decay

Where's the Good One robot when you need it!

Contractual obligations, I'm sure.

holy shit trajeado, that's terrible.

I meant in general, not necessarily Bruce Timm's stuff.
I also don't have regular television, but I'll try and check out Young Justice.

Jordo, got a primer on a followup to BTAS?
I've got Volume 2 and will stock up on 1 & 3, but Vol 4 is from a different series? I like DC better than Marvel and have watched a couple of the new DCAU direct to dvd films and like them.

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul was the first of his that I saw. I liked it a lot, but was sold once you get to the cafe scene, the way he moves the camera and sweeps to see the staff avoiding them was great.

I don't think your bad tv watching can defeat my viewing of the Sally Field made-for-tv movie "Maybe I'll be Home in the Spring" where the parents never learn how to stop shaming their daughters.

Jesse's podcasts are the weakest of his "network" (I seriously hate that's what we're calling these things now).

I deleted Jordan Jesse Go unheard this week when I found out one of the non-Hardwick Nerdist guys was the guest.

Yeah, I heard the episode and I was glad he addressed the breaking, but that was one season and that fella was on for many, many seasons. And he also did not do every sketch with Farrell.
I get that it must be hard when people are gunning after you to break after a while, but it was pretty annoying. Could it be blamed

Part of my hatred of him had to do with his constant cracking up during his SNL skits and a girlfriend of my roommate who would go on and on about how hilarious he was. When I think he was just "okay" and not as deserving of being in so many sketches compared to like, Tracy Morgan or even Darrell Hammond.
I'm also

Sorry, sorry!

Check out Aimee Mann on Best Show, she's really great, especially on one of the marathon shows or with PFT.

Check out Aimee Mann on Best Show, she's really great, especially on one of the marathon shows or with PFT.

@meridith, were you the person who lived in Maine?

I haven't dropped it yet, but it was the first time I've wanted to write to a radio station to complain before. It's hard enough getting it a day late when they spend a portion of the time on sports. And with the loss of regular Junior contributions, it is missing out.
Maybe it will pick back up after the summer and if

I loved his role in Heavyweights, getting made fun of for losing weight.

That album with Smegma is great fun.

I'm also tired of the LBJ narrative, but seeing as LeBatard is so close to the story, the biggest local sports reporter to cover them, why couldn't he come up with something better rather than "He wasn't playing his best"?
Because, you're right, he dismantled other teams left and right, but instead of going

I know he has to cover The Big Three for a while since he lives down there, but his ass-kissing was over the top.